Happy 2nd birthday to my blog

I can’t believe it’s been two years, how the time flies. inbountom.co.uk is 2 years old.   I was checking out the post I wrote a year ago and I’m quite happy with they way things are going. The blog is growing, we have more content and people...

Notability for iOS App Review

For many people, mobile phones are their first point of call for most activities, playing games, taking pictures, making videos, creating art, and let’s not forget calling and texting people. Personally, one of the most important yet overlooked areas that a mobile...
Why do your visitors leave without buying

Why do your visitors leave without buying

Updated April 2020 If you have ever worked on SEO for an eCommerce website, you’ll know that one metric matters above all others for the client: sales. But what if sales are failing to materialise? Below are some of the reasons which may be stopping your...

iA Writer iOS app review (iPhone).

It seems a little odd to me, that I should be writing a review for a mobile app and singing its praises because of how few functions it has, but that’s exactly what I’m doing. The iA Writer app is a word processor that does very little more than provide a virtual...

My 2016 New Year’s Resolutions & my end of year review

It is hard to believe it’s 2016 already. As always in January, I like to set aside some time to reflect on the previous year and set new goals & resolutions for 2016. 2015 was a great year, both at work and in my personal life and I think I have reached a...