Work projects, Hobby, and Studies. How can I do all of those in one day?

When life pulls you in so many different directions you can start to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Work, your family life, your hobbies, your studies and everything else becomes one massive juggling act where you’re just waiting to drop the ball and...

If I were to give you just one productivity tip for 2022

I'm getting a lot of questions regarding productivity and over the years. It's become clear to me that a lot of people would like to improve their productivity but... They don't have time to read book / blogs and learning new methods/systems. They don't fancy...

3 Productivity tips you can implement TODAY

Yes, you heard me right. TODAY. No fancy apps needed, definitely no waking up at 5am 😂 ,no need to reed another productivity book and defo no courses. On a more serious note, it's always good to read a productivity book or maybe two. Bit not today. Today, we...

Don’t Break the Chain Productivity System

Today we'll be taking a look at perhaps a little bit less know productivity system know as Don’t Break the Chain Who invented Don’t Break the Chain productivity system ? We're not 100% sure but according to some articles online, this productivity method was...

What is the best productivity system for 2021 ?

tldr: there is no best system, what's best is what works for youYou may say this is a clickbait. In fact, there is no such thing as the best productivity app, the best productivity system etc. Speaking of productivity systems. We are working on our own, analogue...

Starting YouTube channel in 2021 – tips for beginners.

So you’re thinking about starting a YouTube channel. Staring a new YouTube channel is not easy, especially in 2021. It’s difficult to say how many channels are there in total but from what we could find out, it’s around 36 million. Yes 36,000,000 we’re not joking....

Simple Tips for Your Personal Annual Year End Review

So the 2020 is over. It's time to look back and reflect. Personal Annual Year End Review is the best way to keep on top of our goals and measure progress. In this post we'll share some of the tis we find useful. We'll try to keep it very simple and basic. Some of our...

The Fallacy of Multitasking | Why multitasking is not working

We live a very busy (although most of the time unproductive) world. To do lists, pointless emails, countless meetings, deadlines and so on. We often busy but usually unproductive.People spend 8 hours in the office 5 days a week, yet not much gets done. The fact that...

Can you be productive without using any tools or a planner ?

tldr: yes, you can be productive without using any tools but it would depend on your circumstances and natural skills. So, we’re used to - and often depend on - multiple productivity apps. You know the saying “there’s an app for that”, right 😂 And sure there...

What is 🧠 brain dump and how to use it ?

What is 🧠 brain dump and how to use it ?

We all have an awful lot of information stored in our brains. So much, in fact, that getting it out and into a form that’s tangible and which can be acted on is rather tricky. Or is it? If you’ve never heard of a brain dump but have endless thoughts and ideas swimming...

Procrastination – a personal perspective

We’ve covered this subject in more detail (focusing on freelancers) some time ago. In this post however I wanted to share my personal experience with procrastinating.  Things I found difficult as well as techniques and habits I’ve implemented to get rid of reduce...

How to find more time in your day

People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy. - Seneca 1) Don’t waste your time; be frugal with it People are frugal in guarding their...