5 tips to help freelancers stop procrastinating

Freelancing is increasingly becoming the career path of choice for many workers in the UK. It’s not easy, though, and far too many people still enter the world of freelancing without realising how hard they’ll need to work in order to run a sustainable business. The...

My productivity essentials

My productivity essentials – 3 main things.     1) Write things down If you’re anything like me, you’ll find that if you fail to write something down, you’ll easily forget it. This sounds very simple but it helps me a lot with getting...

Happy 2nd birthday to my blog

I can’t believe it’s been two years, how the time flies. inbountom.co.uk is 2 years old.   I was checking out the post I wrote a year ago and I’m quite happy with they way things are going. The blog is growing, we have more content and people...

Notability for iOS App Review

For many people, mobile phones are their first point of call for most activities, playing games, taking pictures, making videos, creating art, and let’s not forget calling and texting people. Personally, one of the most important yet overlooked areas that a mobile...
Why do your visitors leave without buying

Why do your visitors leave without buying

Updated April 2020 If you have ever worked on SEO for an eCommerce website, you’ll know that one metric matters above all others for the client: sales. But what if sales are failing to materialise? Below are some of the reasons which may be stopping your...